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Writer's pictureLarissa Dawn

My Haunting in Alcatraz

My husband and I got married in Disneyland in October 2016. It was magical but due to the insane costs of the wedding we decided to do our honeymoon for our 1 year anniversary. We planned a city hopper honeymoon going from San Francisco to Disneyland and ending in Las Vegas.

We planned to start in San Francisco and decided not only to visit Alcatraz but to do the VIP tour of the island.

I was excited! Even with my past of experiences when I visit locations with difficult histories, I knew I wouldn't ever pass up an opportunity like this to explore such a place! So we booked the hotel and the tickets and off we went. We landed and headed right to our hotel, took a nap (WAY TO SHORT lol) and then hopped in a cab to take us to the docks where the boat would take us to Alcatraz Island.

Know this Blog is not about its history. Its about my personal experience at the prison. But I will say this, the location alone should be enough to deter anyone from committing a crime! It is out on a island, surrounded by huge rocks, deadly currents and to top it all off, SHARKS! There has only ever been 1 "successful" break out from Alcatraz. 3 men escaped and headed out into the waters. Their bodies were never found and they were never heard from again. Did they make it to shore

and disappear? or did the waters swallow them whole? We will never know.

The ride over on the boat was super windy but it was sunny and we just watched as the island got closer and closer. I didn't feel nervous or anything. I was purely excited and really looking forward to walking around the prison.

We docked and met up with our tour guide. To be honest I didn't really like him much. I have been on many tours and have had some amazing guides. This guys came across as being...well...bored. We started the tour and got to explore some amazing places around the perimeter. We then entered the actual prison.

We reached "the holes", cells that are completely dark inside. No windows and made out of solid stone. They allowed us all to be locked in for a few minutes at a time. Surprisingly I felt nothing! No bad juju, no heeby jeebys, no energies of any kind. I didn't even feel plagued by my usual claustrophobia trigged by pitch-black darkness. I walked around the cell with my hand touching the stone and still...nothing. I was beginning to think Alcatraz was "silent".

We then started to move down one of the cell blocks. I continued to look around and then turned left into a different block...My husband had walked a bit ahead of me and we made it to the middle of the block when WHAM! I was hit with the most intense wave of energy I have ever felt.

I immediately started to tear up and cry. I felt such devastation, loss, and hopelessness. The tour guide had stopped to talk about the block and I wrapped myself around my hubby and cried into his shirt. He had no idea what was happened and asked me what was wrong. I looked up at him and said the pain, the pain is so bad. I feel such intense sadness.

At this time, the guide was asked by someone if he had seen any ghosts...he started to talk about how he's never seen anything, he's a non believer and that there are no spirits there....WHAM!

My mood change literally knocked me over. My head came out of hubby's shirt, the crying stopped instantly...I was ENRAGED. Such intense anger! I looked at Mike and Said "this guy needs to shut up! They do not like him and they want him to SHUT UP!" My Husband was like WTH!?!

I looked at the Guide and I literally wanted to beat the sh$t out of him. I wanted to attack him. I then said to my husband "They don't like him. They don't like him and they don't want him here. They want him to leave"! My husband just started at me like I had lost my mind. The tour started to move again and I was seething.

We reached the end of the cellblock and started up the stairs into the theatre...and just like that. The feelings were gone and I felt instantly tired. Eventually we came to another block. this areas was dark and closed off. Only open to people who take the VIP tour. This area lead down to the underground "cells". I use cells loosely as these areas are not even a cell. They are stone "rooms" where they shackled inmates to the walls. It was dark, dank and the walls were dripping water as this part of the prison in technically underground.

The tour guests started down into the darkness, me and hubby were the last to go. I step onto the first stair and I started to cough uncontrollably. I was coughing to the point of gagging. The security guard asked what was wrong and I choked out "I don't know" and "water". There was no water available on the island, even in a gift shop! I started to get scared as I was coughing so hard I was crying. Some of the guests looked up to see what was happening. I sat down in a chair against a wall and continued to struggle to breath. I felt like I was suffocating.

It finally stopped. I kept forcing myself to breath in and out. After it stopped I said I still wanted to go down the stair. When I reached the bottom the temperature could hear the drips of the water. I saw the shackles hanging on the walls and the dampness turned the stones darker colors. I could completely understand how people could feel like they were being....suffocated.

we ended the tour with no more events but I know now there is definitely something...many things still walking the cellblocks in Alcatraz. Both residual energy (crying and sadness, loss) and intelligent (anger and feelings of wanting to attack the disrespectful guide) and even a physical reaction to the sheer panic of being locked underground and left there to suffer.

I have never experienced such an overflow of someone else's energy/emotions. The anger was so intense. I wanted to hurt someone for their disrespect. The feeling of choking was terrifying and the inability to drink anything to make it stop was completely devastating...Probably exactly what those inmates felt lock in the stone cells under the water. Not since then have I had an experience like this but would I go back again? YOU BET!

I will never stop exploring haunted locations. Even with all these experiences I continue to feel like I am drawn to them. That I need to see what's inside and who still resides there. I never enter any places like this without a few items that I use to ward off evil and disallow any attachments or energies to follow me home. So far so good...well, except for the ones already living in my house that is;)

All Photos taken by Larissa Dawn Oct 17 2017

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