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Writer's pictureLarissa Dawn

The House on the Corner

This episode of Vault 13 is going to be a bit different...

If you have read my blog or Facebook page description, you will know that I have been experiencing the paranormal my entire life and after a recent experience I have decided to talk about one of my own personal encounters. For obvious reasons, I will not be including any pictures in this episode.

All of the follow is one hundred percent truth with zero embellishments or dramatic "flairs". I have decided to share this put myself out there so others who are experiencing the same things know they are not alone and that even someone who has been surrounded by these things since she was 3 can still indeed be afraid.

I moved into my current home (that I share with my husband and when we first moved in, our drummer) in January of roughly 2014/2015. It is an old 3 bedroom, 2 bath rancher on just under 1 acre of property. At the time, it was a quiet street full of other old farm style houses.

I’ll admit, when we first viewed the place. I was hesitant. It was old, the main bathroom was pretty rough (old 60s green bathtub), there was literally zero storage…but we needed a place and the rent was a steal for the area and size of the home. Being a superstitious person who has had paranormal experiences all my life, I did ask the property manager if anything “unusual” had ever happened in the house or if there had been any murders on the property. Legally if I ask, he needed to disclose. His answer to both questions was “no”. I also did not “sense” anything in the house. Usually, I’ll know pretty fast if there is something there that most people can’t see or hear. I have been dealing with this all my life and it’s just something I have come to accept.

We signed our lease and started to move in right away.

We were starting to move at night since we all worked during the day and the guys were grabbing more stuff and I took a smaller box inside. I headed to the living room, put the box down…and saw someone walk from our new bedroom into the bathroom!

My first reaction wasn’t fear….it was “Oh shit, not again!” Can there literally be one place! Just one place where I live that didn’t have some kind of activity or presence in it???

Side track: Without going into too much detail as it is a very long story…I have been able to “see” things since I was around 4 years old. There was an event that triggered all this but I don’t feel ready to share that with the world. Almost every home I have lived in has had spirits in it. A friend of my Dad’s (who was a gifted psychic) told me that I had a “gift” and unfortunately due to said gift….spirits and other entities would be drawn to me and I to them. Hence how I always end up in places, as if pulled there subconsciously, by the paranormal.

Back to The House….

I told both Mike and our roommate what had happened and of course based on past experiences, they believed me. A soon as we were fully moved in, with the help of another friend, I cleansed the house. Basically, saying anything that meant harm had to leave

Over the next 7 years we have had many experiences in the house that have been witnessed and even felt by all three of us and even house sitters.

Everyone has heard noises and some even saw shadow figures throughout the house.

My experiences and a few of my husbands have gone deeper than just noises and items falling on the floor unprovoked.

One evening, I was laying bed in the dark (probably on my phone lol) and I saw my husband standing in the door way. I started talking to him about something and asked him a question…He didn’t respond and moved away from the door. I got instantly upset. Why didn’t he answer me? I got out of bed and walked into the living room and there was my husband on the couch…asleep!

For good measure, I woke him and asked him if he had just been standing in the bedroom door. He said no.

Some months later, we were sleeping in bed. Mind you I am a VERY light sleeper! Like you breath and I wake up!

Something grabbed the right corner of the bed sheets and tugged. I was half asleep and thought it was Mike so I tugged them back. The sheet and top cover were than YANKED right off us both. Needless to say, Mike was now awake! We were both were very startled and even did a search of the house before trying to fall back asleep.

There were many other instances after this…noises, shadows figures, items falling (specifically in the guest room and kitchen) but it was what happened to me last night that prompted me to use my experiences as my latest Blog for Vault 13….

Friday September 4the around 1:00am

I had gone to bed around 11pm as I had to work early the next day. I was fully asleep but was woken up by something grabbing my ankle. Thinking it was Mike I turned my head and saw he wasn’t in bed. I felt startled and then immediately felt the bottom of the bed by my feet indent! It was like someone was climbing up onto the bed! I was terrified. I threw off the covers and went out into the living room to get Mike. He wasn’t there, he was in the bathroom. I gently knocked on the door because I didn’t want to scare the hell outta him. He came out and I told him what happened. He felt bad for me as he knows what I can sometimes go through due to my ability for “them” to affect me so much. He said he was willing to come to bed with me, but I knew he wasn’t ready to sleep. So, I said it was okay he suggested to sleep with my salt lamp on. I climbed back in bed, turned on the lamp and tried to fall back asleep. Every time I was on the verge, I woke up completely startled again and genuinely scared. I gave up, grabbed my pillow and crawled into the living room and onto the couch next to Mike. He felt so bad that after a few minutes he was like “let’s go to bed”.

When he went to the bathroom, I once again turned on my lamp as I refused to be in the room in the dark.

He climbed into bed, I wrapped myself around him, tucking my feet up to him so nothing could grab me again and finally fell asleep.

I barely slept roughly 4 hours' worth of uneasy rest.

Today I have decided to re-cleanse the room as well as place a white crystal above the door or added protection. Definitely not a happy camper that whatever is sharing our home has decided to get physical again.

Hopefully tonight I will once again feel safe and be able to sleep.

UPDATE: September 8th

Sleeping has been incredibly difficult. I have never had this much trouble with sleep after an "occurrence". I genuinely have been feeling afraid to be alone in the room. Every time I stretch my feet out, I remember what happened and tuck my feet up. It doesn't help as I cannot get comfortable. I have started wearing some of my onyx bracelets to bed for added protection. Last night I was woken up by a loud banging sound in the walls that freaked me out. I didn't get out of bed for ask Mike if he heard it. I just tried to fall back asleep. I am finding that I cannot sleep entirely in the dark either. I really hope my mind gets over this fast as I am feeling super exhausted from the lack of sleep and tired of being scared of my bedroom:(

UPDATE: Oct 3rd

Sleeping continues to be difficult but I have found ways to now deal with it. I haven't not slept without socks on my feet since this happened. There is continuous activity in the house now. Hearing things in the bedroom and kitchen. There are many times when I walk by my bedroom and get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I continue to sleep with a small nightlight and sometimes I keep my salt lamp on all night long. I am unsure why all of a sudden the activity has ramped up but sadly I know there is really nothing I can do about it.

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