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Writer's pictureLarissa Dawn

The Murder of Janet Smith and The Hauntings of Hycroft Manor

I was beyond excited when I landed a job as a tour guide with the Haunted Vancouver Trolley Tours. My job was to take guests on a 3 hours tour to many of the haunted/murder sites throughout Vancouver. I loved it! I loved my job! As a Hallowe'en junky this was a dream position for me.

There has been no other story that has ever affected me more than the story of Janet Smith.

The following information was provided to me in my script as well as some additional research I have done.

The story starts in the upper-class neighborhood of Shaughnessy in Vancouver BC. Janet Smith (originally from Scotland) was hired on as a nanny for the Baker family. The family moved around to several places before finally settling in Vancouver (3851 Osler Street, previously Osler Avenue). The head of the family was Mr. Fred Baker. He was a well-to-do businessman who imported Pharmaceutical drugs. However, it was also well known that he had his hands in illegal imports as well.

In the early afternoon on June 26th, 1924, Janet was found shot dead in the basement of the Baker's residence. The house servant, Wong Foo Sing claims he was preparing potatoes in the kitchen when he heard what he thought was a car back firing. He went down into the basement where he found Janet laying in a large pool of blood and a gun laying within hands reach.

The authorities (the scene was attended by Constable James Green) were called and it was said that Mr. Baker and Constable Green had several private conversations before heading down into the basement. After a very quick inspection, Janet's death was ruled an “accidental suicide”.

The entire investigation was riddled with errors and suspicious behaviors by authorities. First, Constable Green handled the gun, making it impossible to check for accurate finger prints. Janet's body did not receive an autopsy. It was immediately sent to the funeral parlor and embalmed. Again, making it impossible to retrieve any other important information and evidence. The undertaker stated that this was the first time he had ever not performed a post-mortem on a victim of such a violent death. Lastly Constable Green then claimed to have “lost the case notes”.

There were many physical signs that pointed to murder and not suicide. No gunshot residue was found on her hands or face. She had burn marks on her right side near her breast but her clothing was fully intact. No burns or damage of any kind. Her skull was also fractured into 6 pieces. They explained this away by saying she hit her head on a laundry tub when she fell over. There was also no blood splatter or brain tissue on the floors or walls.

Here enters Hycroft Manor and the McRae family.

Hycroft Manor was built for politician and war hero, Alexander Duncan McRae and his wife Blanche. He settled in Vancouver in 1907. The manor was built on a small hill, on 5.5 acres of property and is over 20,000 square feet. The three-story mansion had over 30 rooms and was built for $110,000 (the land was purchased for $10,000). Construction was completed in 1911. Hycroft and the McRae's hosted many elite parties, the most exclusive of these was their annual New Year's Eve Masquerade Ball. The guest listed featured celebrities, politicians and other high raking members of society.

The residents of Shaughnessy were very private and tried to keep the comings and goings of their lives hidden from the reporters who constantly followed their every move. It was gossip during that time that suggested that Janet was actually murdered at Hycroft Manor. It was believed she had attended a party held at the house. The theory is that Janet was raped and murdered by people at the party including Fred Baker.

Alexander McRae was very good friends with Fred Baker, the body was rumored to have been moved to Osler Street (Baker's Residence) in order to protect the McRae's. Janet's friends then pushed for a for her case to be reopened. Janet's body was exhumed and upon this investigation her death was ruled a murder.

In the end, the house boy Wong Fu Sing was believed to be the murderer. He was kidnapped by several men dressed in KKK robes and held and tortured for 6 weeks. They were trying to get a confession out of him. He never confessed. There was a huge scandal later on where it was discovered that the kidnappers where Vancouver police commissioners, the chief of police, a detective sergeant and 3 prominent members of the Scottish Society. In the end, most of these men got off scot free with no punishment! Wong was eventually put on trial for Janet's murder but was acquitted due to lack of evidence. He then went back to work for the Bakers! Then in 1926 fled back to China.

After The McRae's

After the death of his wife, Blanche, the manor was sold to the Federal Government in 1942 for the grand total of $1.00. It was then transformed into a Veteran's Hospital

until 1960. Sadly afterwards, it was left vacant and in need of many repairs. The mansion is now home to the UBC Woman's Club (purchased in 1962) and is only open to the public for their annual Christmas craft fair and for weddings.

I was lucky enough to attend the craft fair a few years back and the house was just what I imagined it would be. It had over 30 rooms and was so beautiful and lush. You could feel the history. It is truly a dream house! There were far too many people in the house at the time for me to get a proper “read” on the place. I would love to get back in there with only a few people and investigate.

The Ghosts of Hycroft

There are several spirits that haunt Hycroft. The two seen most frequently are the physical apparition of an elderly man in a war uniform. This is believed to my Alexander McRae. Many have also seen the ghost of the head nurse of the convalescent ward. Several EVP's have been caught and they are believed to belong to McRae's wife, Blanche. She has also been seen walking through the house dressed in beautiful clothing.

The there are “The Pranksters”. These are the spirits of 3 army veterans. They are said to open and close doors as well as make lots of noise and lights flicker. Lastly, there is the “Crying Man”. He earned this name do too the loud sobbing heard coming for various rooms he is known to inhabit.

A security guard on the set of “Catwoman” says he took photos with his digital camera and caught several ghostly white images. There were also sounds of a child crying after the manor had shut down for the day.

Former employee Robert Boarding has stated;

When I walk into certain rooms, you get that cold chill right up your spine that stands your hairs up on end, and it’s not the kind that you feel ‘oh it’s cold’, it’s the kind that you feel there’s something there that gives you that little fright.”

Many stated that much of the activity started to occur when a movie crew opened up an area that used to be used as a make-shift morgue for the hospital. Some have even stated to see another young woman with a blood-stained dress walking throughout the home. Many say this is the spirit of Janet.

Despite all the activity and sightings, many who routinely visit the manor say that all the spirits who inhabit the house are peaceful.

The End?

It is Janet's story that I have remained attached too throughout my four years with the tours as well as long after. Every time during my tours, I would take guests to Mountain View Cemetery (Section 1919). This is where Janet is buried. I would always ensure to say goodbye to Janet's grave and tell her “see you next year”. I have also had a reoccurring dream about Janet. She leads me through Hycroft, up the grand staircase to the very top and into a room. She stands by a wall at the back. I somehow manage to locate a hidden panel there. Inside is a box containing the clothes she was wearing the night she was murdered as well as the gun used to take her live. At this point I always wake up.

My husband and I took some friends on a little “tour” of my stops from my guide days and of course I made sure we stopped at the cemetery. As we approached Janet's grave, I was overcome with such strong sadness and felt tears on my face. I have no idea why. Her story has made a huge impression on my life.

Her story has always meant the most to me. I believe she was murdered. The evidence of this is just so strong. How could there be no gunshot residue? Not brain tissue? No powder burns? I think she did indeed attend some kind of event at Hycroft and I really hope one day the truth about what happened to her will finally come out and she will at last be able to rest.

Happy Hauntings...


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